28 Days with guaranteed results!
Are you ready to transform your whole life?! 😲 We will guarantee your results!
You heard that right!
This is a whole 360; your mind, your body, your mindset, your confidence and so much more.
KICKSTART your new routine to get fit, feel strong, and unlock your true potential. With the guidance of our dedicated coaches, you will tick every box to finally see the progress you have always desired. Your personalised, sustainable plan will focus on long-term health, not quick fixes. Our approach is designed to help you build lasting habits that work for you.
By the end of the 28 days you'll find yourself feeling more confident within yourself, the gym and have the knowledge to continue reaching your goals. Are you ready to take control of your health and transform your fitness routine into something that truly works for you?
Do you want to:
✅ Finally put yourself first
✅ Build strength, lose fat, and get toned up
✅ Feel comfortable and get confident in the gym (and out!)
✅ Learn the self-discipline and accountability needed for change
✅ Incorporate guidance and structure into a routine
✅ Take control of both your body and mind
Our KICKSTARTER will provide you access to:
💚 Unlimited small group sessions during the 28 days
💛 x 4 1-2-1 Personal training sessions, one per week
🧡 Open gym access
💚 Weekly Accountability and check-ins with a dedicated coach
💛 1 x Lifestyle and mindset consultation
💚 A 10% discount at The Plant Bar Cafe
🧡 Our tracking app to monitor your progress & better your habits
This is The Best Way
your Health And Fitness
sign up now!
Give us a call / message on 07766 629579 or click below

Want to Know more?
What should I bring?
Come in comfortable clothing, bring along a bottle of water, and lots & lots of energy!
More questions? Ask us!
Feel free to contact us you may have any questions!
Do you offer discounts?
This is a value packed offer. We don’t offer discounts but from time to time there may be an offer on it… keep your eyes open and make sure you’re on the mailing list!!